Marketing – BT Click Business and marketing Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:51:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Keep your Customers Reading Your Website Sat, 09 Mar 2019 10:17:30 +0000 The importance of having an excellent website these days cannot be overstated. If your potential customer or client does not like browsing through your site, or cannot get the information that they require immediately, then they will click away to your competitor’s site and you may never get them back.

Make it Attractive!

Ugly sites have a loud and brash presence that are not easy on the eyes, making the information hard to read. So people click elsewhere. Use of attractive, complimentary and readable fonts and colours that suit your business will convey a specific feel within the customer. The aim is to keep your viewers reading and clicking more pages on your site. Your webpage should directly compliment your company brand and the ethos you want to convey.

Lots of Relevant Content

Having technical guides, blog posts or additional information that is relevant to your customer’s needs enables you to keep your readers browsing through your own site and not a competitors website. Great titles to blog posts or articles are key to getting readers to click and read. And this information should be up to date, focused on what the user would be looking for and well written enough to hold their attention. Providing an FAQ will also show the customer that you a customer-centric and know what the want and how to solve their problems.

Clean and Organised

There is nothing worse than trying to find something on a website only to keep being getting stuck in a loop where you can’t find what you are looking for. So, keep navigation logical, make use of clear and uncluttered pages, keep your website architecture robust and speedy to load and make sure important pages are easy to find.

How to Market/Sell a Complicated Product Thu, 14 Feb 2019 10:42:44 +0000 After the production stage, the next challenge comes in when you have to market it well to your target audience, so they can accept it and make a choice to buy it. You need to engage your audience at all times to ensure that they do not forget your product.

Advertise on several platforms, create a trending hashtag that you will use to address the commodity during the entire period, and urge them to ask questions about this product if your marketing strategy does not yet convince them. While doing this, provide a lot of information to the targeted individuals, but keep it compact. This allows them to keep their interest sparked continuously. Knowing well that they may need more information about your product, provide an external link to your official website where they can access it.

As such, the team has put together some details that new poker players can use to learn how to play the game wherever they are. While providing this information, allow them to have a connection with the brand. The use of emotions and experiences is one of the ways you can achieve this goal. Most importantly, get real people to explain how the item works. Use 2D, 3D, or even 7D animation to introduce your commodity to the public. Not only will this create the connection you so much yearn for, but it will lead the potential buyers to trust that you have a legitimate product.

One more thing to keep in mind, find a suitable marketing strategy for your products and its introductory video. While opting to share it on social media and other media platforms is excellent, creating a plan that will guide how, when, and who you share the details with will provide more effective results as compared to sharing randomly. With affiliate marketing almost taking over the marketing industry, you can also find a way to incorporate it into your plan for better results. Find the most sites that are taking the leading such marketing plans, and see how they can offer such services to you, at a price of course.

Getting Maximum Impact when Marketing for a Niche Audience Mon, 04 Feb 2019 13:25:41 +0000 Online marketing has opened a lot of opportunities to market to different audiences. Niche markets are some of the areas where businesses can easily reach by using the internet. However, you have to know how to capitalise on the different platforms to create the necessary impact. A niche market is small, so you have to know which strategy works.

Understand the Audience

As with any online marketing approach, niche marketers must begin by studying the people they are selling to. The fact that you have a smaller audience to market to is an advantage. Invest time in researching their buying habits, purchasing power and preferred online channels. Knowing your customers will make it easier to create exclusive content for them.

Know and Solve the Problem

A good marketing campaign for a niche audience should provide people with the solutions they need. Doing that successfully requires you to comprehend the specific problem of your audience. A site for poker, for example, provides useful information for poker businesses that are looking for and tracking applications. Niche marketers should present a unique selling point that will attract the right audience.

Monitor the Competition

Regardless of how exclusive your venture is, someone out there is doing the same thing or will come along soon. The reduced competition in a niche market may offer some advantage, but you still have to know how similar businesses are selling to their audiences. If another website or company is doing better than you, understand how the marketing strategies are different. Luckily, businesses now have a range of tools that can help to track marketing campaigns for the competition.

Be Distinct

Spreading information about a niche market is not the same as regular online marketing. Carefully assess your strengths and leverage them when developing a strategy. Know which channels to focus your niche marketing on. From social media marketing to SEO to paid search, find out what generates the best results. Marketing online to a niche audience can be daunting, but with the right approaches, it can boost the visibility of your venture significantly.

How to Use Affiliate Sites to Market Your Site Tue, 04 Dec 2018 09:11:04 +0000 Affiliate marketing allows you to gain exposure for the products and services you offer. As a successful business person, you need to use all the marketing strategies to ensure that you reach your target consumer. Affiliate sites showcase the products and services and open you up to new marketplaces and demographics.

1. Make Affiliate Partners

Find a website that best complements your products and services and partner with them, so they showcase what you have to offer. Ensure you have clear terms on commission rates and payout options. Affiliate sites help you boost your products exposure which ultimately translates to more sales. Find an affiliate partner organically and build a solid working relationship.

2. Have Amazing Products

For you to attract affiliate partners, you have to offer quality products and services. Having products that will interest many consumers is the first step to attracting important affiliates.

3. Be Resourceful

Consider making banners and, videos and email templates and have your affiliate partners use them. Providing material for marketing makes the launching process much easier. You can also write promotional emails that your affiliate partners will use.

4. Join Affiliate Communities

There is no better way of meeting potential affiliate partners than joining affiliate communities. This is an inexpensive way of creating a working relationship with important affiliates. Affiliate communities open you up to new opportunities that you wouldn’t otherwise come by.

5. Create an Affiliate Page

Creating a page that provides potential affiliates with all the important information they need to know if they choose to showcase your products is also important. Include commission rates and other important details an affiliate partner would want to know.


Affiliate programs give you the opportunity to find potential affiliate partners you can work with. Boosting exposure for the products and services you offer is a critical marketing strategy you should implement to increase sales.

Choosing an Effective Digital Marketing Tool Sun, 18 Nov 2018 13:02:56 +0000 The incredibly strong online presence compels companies to do away with traditional marketing methods. Online marketing media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email have become the most effective ways of reaching target markets.

However, the introduction of a myriad of online marketing tools makes it difficult to choose the best channel. Experts cite that it largely depends on the goals of the company and the audience it intends to reach. For example, if the company wants to generate leads or increase conversion rates, email marketing may be the most effective marketing channel. Here are tips to help you select the best online marketing channel.

Define your Objectives

Effective use of different marketing channels begins with defining your goals. For example, companies engaging in affiliate marketing intend to increase brand visibility. Today, there are numerous platforms available to promote products to customers. Other marketing platforms that can be used to increase brand visibility include Facebook, YouTube, promotional campaigns and Pinterest.

Companies whose goal is sales generation through online channels will use digital marketing media like Amazon resellers and Google Display Network. Many shoppers are embracing the idea of e-commerce and are growing more confident in purchasing products online. Young firms that are introducing relatively new products on the market should use marketing channels that educate potential clients about their merchandise. As such, they should focus on digital marketing media like blogging, content marketing and press releases.

Work within Your Budget

Online companies work within specific budgets when launching various digital marketing campaigns. As such, marketers should choose channels that are within the budget while reaching the target audience. The budget allocations may include compensation for the affiliate marketers, payment for content creation services and advertising budgets.

Strategies for Marketing a New Product Tue, 13 Nov 2018 08:37:10 +0000 Studies show that new products have a lower success rate than existing products after a marketing campaign. Only one in five products survive more than a year and are more expensive to market compared to existing launches. The cost of launching a new product and the reduced rate of success compel marketers to develop incredibly great products and use effective marketing strategies.

A successful product launch is only possible by developing a competitive product that meets the need of the user. The launch also succeeds when the product provides a solution of value and owns a position in the market. Questions such as what role the product plays in the market, why it is important to the consumer and the target market for the product should help marketers develop an effective product launch strategy.

Parans lighting system, for example, is a product that has been designed to allow sunlit indoors for close to 30 floors in a building. Being a new product in the market, the company needs to use an effective marketing strategy that will create awareness and woo potential customers into adopting the technology. Here are some marketing strategies that the company can use.

Organise a Pre-launch

If the product is not scheduled for release soon, you can organise a pre-launch a month or week to before the official launch of the product. This way, you create a feeling of expectation from potential users. You can offer pre-launch giveaways in the form of guides on how sunlight indoors works or how to use it. You can also arrange contests where the lucky participants are tasked with creating awareness of the product in exchange for a reward. It helps create awareness about the new product before the official launch.

Ask for Help from Influencers

Another effective marketing strategy involves asking influencers within your niche to talk about the product. You can offer free access to the product before other people use it to whet their appetite in the right direction.

Use Promotional Advertisement

In this case, you can use special promotional codes for a short period to lead people to act on the promotion fast. Once you have created the deal, share it on various platforms to expand reach.

The best marketing channels for your business Tue, 18 Sep 2018 14:33:04 +0000 Marketing channels provide ways in which goods and services can reach the consumer from the producer. In today’s digital world, there are various marketing channels that a business owner can use. Some of these cost the owner money while others are free. Business owners have to carry out proper research and identify the most suitable channel for their type of business. Facebook is one example as it is one of the most widely used marketing channels all over the world. It is free and easy to use, and all a marketer needs to do is create a business page and start posting their items.

Social Marketing Channels in today’s world

Other social media platforms such as Twitter and Pinterest are great tools for small business marketing. They are easy to use and free of charge. For Twitter, all a business owner has to do is open a Twitter account and start attracting followers with engaging tweets so that they can become customers. With Pinterest, a business owner has to only post inspiring visual content and images to capture customers interest in their brand. A business owner cannot go wrong by choosing to use these two platforms to market their goods and services as it enables them to have followers all over the world.

Persuasive marketing channels

Even in the digital world, there are many people, especially those in the age bracket of 50 years and above, who still heavily rely on TV, newspapers and radio as a source of information and entertainment. As a business owner, such target markets should be put into consideration. TV Ads are very effective and, though costly, they truly capture and convince viewers that they really need a certain service or product. The same applies to radio ads as listeners get captured by great adverts and are lured into purchasing. Placing an advert in a newspaper will also not escape the eye of a keen reader.
